Monday, April 14, 2014

Surrendering Weakness

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

One evening about a decade ago, I was lounging on the sofa channel surfing and just happened upon a feature about grandparents raising their grandchildren.

An Epic Great-Grandmother
"I'm 80 years old, I've raised three children, four grandchildren and now I'm raising my two great-grandchildren. The youngest is eighteen months," she said proudly to the reporter.
She lived in an inner city high-rise community.

Under her watchful eye the toddler teetered precariously to the coffee table. Perched comfortably on the sill of a large bay window looking at the traffic below was another child of about eight.

This great-grandmother seemed unruffled by life's circumstances.

She had peace.

I had self-pity.

She'd selflessly dedicated her entire life to raising her children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren. She wasn't sniveling over feeling tired, giving up her life, or complaining about her adult children leaving her to raise their children. Instead, she embraced her Encore life of raising her grandchildren and made the best of it.

My granddaughters were one and two years old when they moved in with us. At age 47, I was a young grandmother by all accounts. Yet, I was exhausted all the time. Fatigue and sleep deprivation from juggling a full time job and caring for little ones had spiraled into a lame excuse for a grumpy attitude.

From that day forward I vowed to remember that selfless octogenarian when I'd feel overwhelmed, exhausted, or experienced a bout of self-pity.
When we don't cast our burdens and the cares of this world on Him, our peace fades and our strength weakens.

Remember: every weakness you have is an opportunity for God to show his strength in you.


As an Encore Parent raising two grandchildren, I know it's not always easy. There are times when I feel I don't have the strength to persevere, but when I surrender those weaknesses over to God, He's faithful to carry me through, every time.



Thanks for stopping by, I’d really like to hear from you. What opportunities do you have for God to show His strength in your life today?





  1. This post isn't just for grandparents, but for everyone who thinks they are carrying more than their fair share. Loved it

    1. Thank you for stopping by my friend! The goal of this blog really is to encourage caregivers in all forms and like you said, for those who are heavy burdened. I hope you'll stop by again!
