Monday, April 21, 2014

Elizabeth: An Unconventional Parent

“Both of them were righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly.  But they were childless because Elizabeth was not able to conceive, and they were both very old.” Luke 1:6-7

I’m often asked, “How do you do it at your age? You know, raising your grandkids.”

Consider Elizabeth.

You remember Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, cousin to Mary, the mother of Jesus?

Elizabeth & Mary Rejoicing

Talk about old… she was over sixty when she became a mother for the very first time.

Elizabeth was married to Zechariah, a high priest and religious leader in the Jewish community.
Zachariah & Elizabeth

Elizabeth, like most young, married Jewish women of her time, looked forward to rearing children. Since women back then held little position, most found their identity in being a mother. Elizabeth was no exception. She greatly anticipated the day when she could cradle a baby in her arms. Yet, Elizabeth was barren (Luke 1:7).
Elizabeth, being the wife of a well-respected priest: visited the sick, delivered hot meals to the needy, and hosted countless baby showers for expectant mothers. She, like Zechariah, was a pillar in the community. Sadly, unable to conceive a child of her own, she was disgraced and shamed (Luke 1:25).
Regardless of Elizabeth’s barrenness, and years of watching her contemporaries have baby after baby, she remained humble and her faith unshaken. She held onto a promise, even into her golden years.
The Hebrew translation for Elizabeth means oath of God.
Even though she was well-advanced in years, God caused her to conceive when He was ready. He had a plan all along: Not to disgrace Elizabeth, but to bless her beyond all of her expectations.
God is full of surprises.
Sometimes, when we least expect it, he touches us with a miracle and our life is changed forever.
Has God unexpectedly touched your life?
Upon receiving the herald from the angel Gabriel that he was going to be a father, Zechariah laughed. He thought it was the most ridiculous news he’d ever heard (Luke 1:13).
Zechariah doubted an angel then laughed! (Yeah, Gabriel wasn’t too thrilled about that!)
Did you wonder how you could possibly raise your grandkids… at your age?
If God had faith that Elizabeth and Zechariah would make remarkable parents in their latter years, don’t you think He believes you can be a remarkable grandparent, raising your grandchildren?
God kept Elizabeth to bring up John at the right time. He trusted her and that's why he gave her John – known as the forerunner.
Did you know the Lord trusts you, too?
 I want to hear from you!
If Children are a blessing from the Lord, do you consider bringing up your grandchildren a God-given ministry? Or perhaps you’re a caregiver of: a parent, a disabled child, foster children, whatever the situation, God has uniquely equipped you for this task. Will you trust Him today to carry the burden?



  1. Oh my! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this so much! Excellent job, beautiful blog (oh, and beautiful lady and babies, too.)

  2. Thank you Jana for stopping by! I am so glad you enjoyed Elizabeth's story. Oh, and thanks for complimenting my babies!! I love them too!
